We Believe:
In the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper offered openly to all people.
In the one true God who reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the Christian Church as the community of faith including all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord.
In the Bible which reveals the word of God.
In Evangelism: the continuing effort to turn others to Christ through the proclamation of the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ.
In Mission: to offer the hand of brotherhood, friendship, service, and help to all people in the name of the Lord.
In eternal life.
In salvation from sin.
In the Christian life expressed as the love for, and the service to humanity.
In the worship of God, both public and private.
That all persons can receive the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ.
We receive new members by profession of faith or by transfer from other Christians churches. For further information contact the church office at (336) 578-0611.