Meals on Wheels is supported by our congregation through individuals who volunteer to deliver meals to folks in our community who are unable to get out and/or to provide healthy meals for themselves.
Haw River Elementary School really appreciates all the hard work that our members have put in to make their grounds look special. We also have a couple of folks who have gone over to the school to tutor or to read to the children. We support the teachers by volunteering our time and sometimes to bring snacks and food for them. We support the students through our School Supply Giveaway in the summer.
Allied Churches of Alamance County is always in need of resources and we help to collect canned foods and money for their needs. Our members also volunteer their time to serve at the homeless shelter.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a great mission opportunity that everyone can participate in without leaving home. Here at HRUMC we are striving to stop using plastic and/or styrofoam cups and plates and use paper items instead. We attempt to reuse as much paper as possible; we recycle papers, cans and bottles. We also collect batteries, ink cartidges and electronic components to be recycled in an attempt to save our ground water from harmful pollutants. Spread the word, taking care of God’s creation – the Earth – is a mission project for each of us to participate in.
Relay for Life – is our local way of supporting the American Cancer Society’s search for a cure for cancer. We support the Relay for Life event thorugh fundraising and participation at the event.
HRUMC Van Ministry has brought youth back into our congregation. This ministry is almost totally supported by one person. Don Waugh could use your help in many ways. Call him and volunteer to be a substitute driver or to ride along as the 2nd adult per our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Methodist Home for Children – we offer financial support to this ministry.
Disaster Response – we offer financial and volunteer support for this ministry of the North Carolina Conference.
Church Camp – An annual youth ministry retreat for all children ages 8-16.
“Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t even have to make your subject and your verb agree… You only need a heart full of grace…a soul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
United Methodists have believed, from the beginning, that each of us is called to participate in the outreaching ministry of Jesus Christ. John Wesley described this work in simple, practical terms: “Do all the good you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can.”