
As a United Methodist Church in this community, our purpose shall be to:

Worship God as Father of all humankind and Creator of the Universe as our faith and understanding leads us.

Witness to our faith in the redeeming love of God as revealed in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ.

Proclaim the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all who will listen.

Continually study the scriptures in order that we might grow in our faith, our understanding, and in the grace of God.

Train our children in the principles of Christianity so that they might come to know the Christian faith for themselves.

Maintain and cultivate a spirit of community and fellowship among all Christian people.

Live out our faith in every area of life in our day to day relationships with other people.

Seek to start all persons on a journey with Jesus Christ as Lord and Master of their lives.

Provide pastoral counseling to strengthen and sustain individuals and families in their personal growth.

Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Haw River United Methodist Church is to grow spiritually with God’s help, to share God’s message through work, word and deed.

Our Vision:

The vision of Haw River United Methodist Church is to be in the center of God’s will as we accomplish God’s mission for us.